Deposit L O V E

Even though I haven’t been in Honduras 100% of the time these past three years, my heart has been.   And I continue to learn that the love we deposit – anywhere – remains no matter how much time passes.  That love may get covered with dust, or even mucky dirt, but it’s still there.  It may be masked with destructive facades, but it’s still there.  It may be suffocated by overwhelming circumstances, but it’s still there.  Love remains.  We all are able to rekindle love that has gone dim because once deposited, it will never be completely snuffed out.

The love I’ve been privileged to deposit here these past 15 years has shown the above to be blaringly true.  Love remains.  And although its power may go dormant, it’s not gone.  With a little faith, and speaking of Truth, it can and will consume those what-seem-to-be helpless and powerless situations.  It will bring to life what seems to have laid to rest, and it will prove miracles amidst the impossible.

Let’s continue onward seizing every opportunity to deposit love and doing it without reservation, in a fearless fashion. 

(I speak of “love” as an all-encompassing term – it takes on many facets from teaching, equipping, mentoring, counseling, listening, or simply being there.)
