Be Still

            The other day a pastor friend of mine and I were talking about life and the things going on in each other’s world. As preachers often do, we took the upcoming message that we were working on and tried to find the application for the other person.
His message "in the hopper" was rooted in Isaiah 40:31…"those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."…the pastor told me that "walking counts too" and that people like me sure enjoy the soaring and running but we have a tendency to resist the walking part.
            My frustration lifted instantly and I felt like I was not out of God’s will for not being as productive as I thought I should be. Later it occurred to me that if I were bucking hay or chopping wood with my boys, I would certainly stop and rest them from time to time. I couldn’t as a grown man work them into the ground; that would burn them out and take them out of the game. If I want to instill a good and healthy work ethic into them as boys that will later serve them as grown men, I had better pace them, rest them and even let them enjoy a little along the way.
            Our Father in heaven is no different with us, so we walk with him from time to time. I no sooner have this properly placed in my heart when my wife comes from the other end of the house and says "the Lord just gave me a scripture"…this is where you better be paying attention men…Robin says, our verse for today is Exodus 14:13. “…Don’t be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you.” (NLT)
            Seriously? I just get off my "performance wagon" and begin training myself to walk and now He wants me to stand still! The present battle I am in, I have a very human tendency to take matters into my own hands. God told Moses to tell the people to "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD” (KJV) You see if I am at all in motion, when victory comes, by my very nature, I will take most if not full credit for it. God refers to "His salvation"…if God had started handing out the credit for his great works and allowing men and mortals to have even temporal credit for it in the beginning, He would have a contradiction on his hands when He got to the book of Acts and said that "He has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved."
            When I was a boy, my horse, Big Moe would do anything I asked him to do until I turned and headed back to the barn.  It was on contest of spur, reign, bit and spurs. We fought every step of the way back to the barn. Moe wanting to gallop and me fighting with every tool I had to restrain him. That horse who loved me one minute would have thrown and left me the next if he could. I am presently desperate for victory but more desperate to position myself so that when I am victorious He is exalted.

Be still and know He is God.
He will be exalted among the nations
And in the earth.

Jeff Harter 
